Interview with Dr. Jimenez


“Hope4Cancer is more than a clinic. We’re a community” – Hope4Cancer

Hope4Cancer treatment centers, which was founded in 2000 by chief medical officer Dr. Antonio Jimenez, restore hope and health for patients with cancer diagnosis. Hope4Cancer is known as one of the leaders in holistic & integrative oncology. Hope4Cancer believed in whole-body healing philosophy, offering a comprehensive healing therapy through mind, body, and spiritual healing. The treatment centers, located in Mexico, provide therapies based on key principles designed by Dr. Jimenez, each addressing aspects of the mind, body, and spiritual well-being to not only suppress the physiological symptoms, but to heal the person.

At the Calcium and Bone Health Institute of Canada (CBHI Canada), a one of the leading scientific research-based institutes in Canada, is pleased to provide our service for Hope4Cancer. SAC calcium has been incorporated as a core treatment for all patients enrolled at Hope4Cancer for its great therapeutic potential in cancer treatment. We would like to thank Dr. Jimenez and every staff at Hope4Cancer for their cooperation and consideration.


-CBHI Canada-



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